
Easy Employer is a state of the art industry leading automation working with hundreds of businesses in numerous industries, across Australia and internationally, to help simplify the complexities associated with workforce management.
Integrating CloudPayroll and easyemployer can benefit your business by ensuring employees are paid correctly against their award and reduce payroll administration. Changes to Industry awards and base rates are automatically updated when required.
Learn more about the Easy Employer / CloudPayroll integration here.

In recognition of the continuing struggle of care providers to innovate to cope with the newly introduced National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) MYOB has brought some of it’s partners together to provide integrated software solutions. These solutions will assist care providers to innovate in areas that are seen as most crucial to remaining efficient and effective in the NDIS environment that now exists: business efficiency, staff management, payroll, billing, accounting, financial forecasting, budgeting and portal integration.
To assist care providers to innovate in the area of staff management – availability, skills tracking, rostering, scheduling, time & attendance, award interpretation, payroll and billing – MYOB has chosen easyemployer.
Easy Employer was chosen by MYOB as it is a specialist workforce management solution for the aged and disability care sector. Easy Employer assists in cutting up to 90 percent of time spent managing a workforce and enabling efficiencies that can save anywhere between 5% to 15% of labour costs. Additionally, easyemployer was noted as the only solution currently on the market that provides the depth of functionality required for the complicated care sector, whilst remaining easy to use and at a cost effective price point.
Read more about why MYOB selected easyemployer to help it innovate the care space.

Technology FX is a complete IT Solutions business specialising in areas of web design, web hosting, custom web software solutions, e-commerce, IT support, computer parts and supplies. We focus on getting you the right solution at the right price with the right information. Technology FX provides service that is always customer driven and we pride ourselves on going the extra mile.

For over 25 years, Sage MicrOpay has been a leading supplier of HR and payroll software solutions and services to thousands of Australian organisations of all sizes in various industries. Our systems are fully featured, easy to learn and use while facilitating flexible HR and payroll management. As well as being packed with productivity enabling functionality our software is designed to streamline HR and payroll processes. Visit to find out about their payroll options.