Pharmacy Industry Award – Changes – Effective from 11 September 2017
September 11, 2017The Fair Work Commission has made changes to the Pharmacy Industry Award 2010, which come into effect from the first full pay period starting on or after 11 September 2017.
There is now more flexibility for pharmacies to employ school students in part-time roles. New regulations allow for engagement of school students for a minimum of two hours (rather than three hours) between3.00pm and on school days. The student and their parent/ guardian must consent, and the student must be supervised.
Other changes include the removal of junior rates of pay for Pharmacy Assistants Levels 3 and 4, meaning that any junior employees classified as a Level 3 or 4 Pharmacy Assistant will be entitled to receive the adult rate of pay.
Minor amendments have been made to clarify some ambiguity around payment of overtime and to confirm that casuals may be required to work reasonable overtime at overtime rates.
Staff classified as Pharmacy Assistant Level may now be given annual salaries, but must not be paid less than they would otherwise have received (such as overtime and penalty rates) and a record of hours worked must be kept & countersigned by the employee. The Award also now requires employers to keep written copies of the agreement by employees to receive an annual salary.